Snowed Under: A Silver Pines Little Holiday Novel
Checklist for the holidays:
Pick sweater; the more hideous the better
Steer clear of flying snowballs
Do not fall for the resident bad boy…
When Ainsley lives next door to the town’s bad boy Cole, she has no idea he’s had a secret crush since the night of the disastrous (never to be repeated) speed-dating event.
For one Ainsley wasn’t up for a date, she was hosting the event, but that didn’t stop Cole marking her down as number one on his scorecard. Sweet. If only he’d do something about it, right?
Cole loves women, he’s made that clear with his cheeky grin and award winning smile. He’s notorious for charming the pants of every woman in Silver Pines and beyond. But when Ainsley needs a fake boyfriend to get her ex back, he takes the job a little too seriously.
What follows is a hilarious disaster of a fake-date, sunshine vs sunshine, a snowball fight from hell and a snowed under predicament that neither expected.
Snowed Under - the third instalment from the Silver Pines series with rom-com vibes and hilarious banter, a bad boy (with a good heart), geeky heroine and a lovable cast of characters from the small-town of Silver Pines.
Snowed under is book 3 in the series but can be read completely stand-alone with a merrily happy ever after.
Checklist for the holidays:
Pick sweater; the more hideous the better
Steer clear of flying snowballs
Do not fall for the resident bad boy…
When Ainsley lives next door to the town’s bad boy Cole, she has no idea he’s had a secret crush since the night of the disastrous (never to be repeated) speed-dating event.
For one Ainsley wasn’t up for a date, she was hosting the event, but that didn’t stop Cole marking her down as number one on his scorecard. Sweet. If only he’d do something about it, right?
Cole loves women, he’s made that clear with his cheeky grin and award winning smile. He’s notorious for charming the pants of every woman in Silver Pines and beyond. But when Ainsley needs a fake boyfriend to get her ex back, he takes the job a little too seriously.
What follows is a hilarious disaster of a fake-date, sunshine vs sunshine, a snowball fight from hell and a snowed under predicament that neither expected.
Snowed Under - the third instalment from the Silver Pines series with rom-com vibes and hilarious banter, a bad boy (with a good heart), geeky heroine and a lovable cast of characters from the small-town of Silver Pines.
Snowed under is book 3 in the series but can be read completely stand-alone with a merrily happy ever after.
Checklist for the holidays:
Pick sweater; the more hideous the better
Steer clear of flying snowballs
Do not fall for the resident bad boy…
When Ainsley lives next door to the town’s bad boy Cole, she has no idea he’s had a secret crush since the night of the disastrous (never to be repeated) speed-dating event.
For one Ainsley wasn’t up for a date, she was hosting the event, but that didn’t stop Cole marking her down as number one on his scorecard. Sweet. If only he’d do something about it, right?
Cole loves women, he’s made that clear with his cheeky grin and award winning smile. He’s notorious for charming the pants of every woman in Silver Pines and beyond. But when Ainsley needs a fake boyfriend to get her ex back, he takes the job a little too seriously.
What follows is a hilarious disaster of a fake-date, sunshine vs sunshine, a snowball fight from hell and a snowed under predicament that neither expected.
Snowed Under - the third instalment from the Silver Pines series with rom-com vibes and hilarious banter, a bad boy (with a good heart), geeky heroine and a lovable cast of characters from the small-town of Silver Pines.
Snowed under is book 3 in the series but can be read completely stand-alone with a merrily happy ever after.